Belle – Wintertime

Belle – Wintertime
Beauty and the Beast

  • Completed: Winter 2013
  • Worn at: Winter Photo-shoot 2013

    I wanted create a costume that would take advantage of how cold it is most of the year where I live. The cape is velveteen, lined with satin, and trimmed with faux fur. I wanted to look for fabrics other than traditional satin for the gown. This is a dress that was already in the castle and given to Belle, so the fabrics would have been rich, enjoyable to run your fingers over, not to mention thicker due to the time of year the dress is worn. I added a small amount of decorative trim around the light pink portions of the gown but kept the basic, clean, and simple look of the Disney animation. Finally, I added a necklace and earring set I’ve owned for years that is a combination of ceramic roses, pearls, and gold.

    While I wish I could have found the time to have photos taken in this costume with a full snowy background, I’m more than ready for the warmer weather to arrive!

    Photo Credits: My Father